вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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She sits and waits underneath the starless sky. A book is in her lap, but she isnrsquo;t paying attention to the words on the vanilla pages. Her mind is elsewhere, lost in the thoughts that have captured her, bonded her. As she sits here she wished that she never came to college, she wishes that she had a do over button so she could just go back to when she was a little girl and nothing mattered. But even that is impossible, because she knows that even when she was just a child everything mattered because she had to grow up so fast ndash; too fast. So here she sits, wishing and dreaming, hoping and thinking.

College was supposed to be the time of her unveiling, when she blossomed out of the cocoon that kept her tied up and withdrawn in high school, but it is all the same here. Her thoughts are lost among the voices of her confident classmates and her social life is nonexistent. She came to college hoping to make friends; she came here with the idea that things would change from the ugliness that was her four years in high school.

ldquo;Life isnrsquo;t supposed to be this bad, I should be able to be happy.rdquo; She writes in her journal, her only companion. ldquo;Whatrsquo;s wrong with me that Irsquo;m so messed up, so up and down, so confused?rdquo;

She has had this journal since the start of her last year in high school. Sure, she had other journals before, but they never seemed to last longer than a few weeks when the high faded. But this one, this one is different. This red, spiral bound journal with the colored edges has lasted the year and come out tattered and weathered with wear; it has come out with the girlrsquo;s love written all over itrsquo;s pages. This journal holds her memories, her poems, her thoughts, rants, praises and wishes.

ldquo;If only things would change, if only I could change. If only thing would get better, if only the world would turn back around and right itself because it feels like everything is upside down. It feels like everything is spinning, like Irsquo;m spinning and watching the world fall apart. If only I could be different, if only I could be better, then everything would be right. If only I had the confidence my classmates seem to possess, if only I wasnrsquo;t sohellip; strange.rdquo; She wrote out in her journal, letting the tears that rolled off her cheeks and onto the paper say what words could not express. She kept on writing, ldquo;but I sort of like being strange ndash; being different. It is the only thing thatrsquo;s been constant; it is who I am. Irsquo;m not like them; Irsquo;m a different sort of creature. That doesnrsquo;t make me any less of a person; in fact I think it makes me more of a person. I just wish I knew someone else who thought like me. I donrsquo;t want to be the only one out there, there has to be someone else like me.rdquo;

She dated the page, and closed the book that held her life between its pages and closed her eyes. It had been dark for hours, but she only just noticed the darkness now. She gave herself away to her senses and let her body feel the chill in the air, let herself imagine the star streak sky. She really listened to the sounds of the night, the train whistling in the distance, the crickets chirping in the grass, the gently hum of the night as everything fell into place, as she fell into place.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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ATT Inc. Today announced an agreement with General
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Master-planned community near Houston.

The agreement, ATT's largest such contract to date, underscores
One of the company's key strategic initiatives for connecting customers
To its Project Lightspeed fiber footprint. It will enable ATT to
Make Internet Protocol-based communications and entertainment services
Available to the estimated 65,000 residents who will move into
Bridgeland, a 10,000-acre residential development currently under

The Bridgeland agreement, while unique in size, scope and approach, is one of hundreds of agreements ATT has completed for
Fiber-based developments. These agreements represent more than 270,000
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

english khmer translation

So A�LOT�has been going on lately. Iapos;m most likely not going to be on the computer anymore for awhile because Iapos;m grounded. Iapos;m not going to exactly say WHY Iapos;m grounded, but the reason is really stupid. Letapos;s just say grades and school. Haha :/ Ohh well, being grounded from the computer and everything else might actually give me some time to think and write some new music.
But before I�can write anything, I need to get a new high E string -.-
Nick was being Nick and somehow managed to break my string Fun timess.

Iapos;m waiting for Steven to come over right now. We are going to the park so we can just hangout. I�havenapos;t been outside yet, so Iapos;m hoping the weather is nice. I�love it when the weather is just perfect. The sky is a soft blue and clouds are a blanket over the surface and the wind cuddles you close.

Lately, Iapos;ve really been missing my grandpa :(
I�keep forgetting what death really means. I�keep thinking that one day Iapos;ll see him again and then I�remember he is just a memory. 67 years of a beautiful life taken in three weeks. It just isnapos;t fucking fair.�

"So letapos;s drink to memories we shared.
Down one for all the hopes and cares.
Hereapos;s two for being unaware that youapos;re gone.
Because before too long youapos;ll be a memory."

It hurts still. Whoever said time heals all wounds made an EPIC fail..

Anyway. Yesterday me, Lexi, and Steven were hanging out and he is REALLY talented with his bass. Weapos;ll he can play the really tricky riff that David does in Iapos;d Do Anything and I about died. That is my favorite part of that song and being able to listen to JUST that part made my heart beat speed up like crazy because I�really just treasure how talented David is. When he is standing on stage in front of millions he makes it look so easy. He amazes me more and more everyday. Ahh<33
The Goo Goo Dolls have a new song out called apos;Realapos; and I�really dedicate this line in the song to him.

"Can you feel real like you are?
Can you feel alive,
Like the way I feel your light?
I need to feel you there,
I want to know where I belong"

I�love him<3

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I�have been on a clear liquid diet (protein shakes ok) for 1 month now.�My�instructions were to be on clear liquid diet 2 weeks pre-op and�5 weeks post-op. �I�have lost 18 pounds since my 2 week pre-op appointment. WOOT for weight loss and BARF for the shakes and broth. I�am so hungry I canapos;t even stand it anymore. Everywhere is food and every commercial is fast food and every where I�go people talk about food. I�am just hungry. I donapos;t care if itapos;s pured broccolli-I want to eat it. Anything but broth and shakes please. I�have 3 more weeks of this and I�donapos;t think I am going to make it. I�am trying very very hard, but how much can a little applesauce hurt...or some soup with some soft mushy vegiapos;s in it. I donapos;t understand why I�still have to do this. My body is telling me that my stomach is healed. My doctor requires this. Itapos;s part of my post-op instructions. IT�SUCKS�

I canapos;t begin to say just how SICK�AND�TIRED�I�am of protein shakes. I have learned not to smell them before I�drink and also plug my nose when�I am drinking them. This helps get apos;em down. If I smell that smell before I drink it, it gets me instantly nauseous. As for broth, I have tried to vary it up a little but there is only so many ways you can drink chicken broth. Since I have not had a fill yet, it just goes right through. I�AM�HUNGRY

What was everyone elseapos;s post op diet? Did you have to be on a clear liquid diet until 5 weeks post op? Also, I need some encouragement to stay on track here. I�am really tempted to eat something. I�have even thought of eating something and spitting it out instead of swallowing it just to get some kind of satisfaction...


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You know, I almost want to say that if you didnapos;t like Hostel you might like Hostel 2. It got a lot weirder and a little bit goofier and as a result youapos;re able to have more distance from the things that happen. I didnapos;t like it as much as the first one, though there was really no way Eli Roth could have done the same movie twice.

Still, not shabby. Iapos;m beginning to doubt the regular deploring of the state of contemporary horror.

Oh and Iapos;ve decided to pass on seeing Quarantine. From what I hear itapos;s exactly like [REC] and, well, Iapos;ve seen [REC].

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So last night I was hostess to the Sophomore BFA class party, where we could all get to know each other a little better and hang out with everyone from the class. Iapos;m one of the very few people in our class with an actual house, and roommates who donapos;t mind a party, so I volunteered our place as the I cleaned up the place, strung lights in the backyard, and put cushions on the roof, and generally made the whole place ship-shape and such. There was dancing and general merriment had by all.

Some backstory: apparently last weekend the Junior class tried to have a party on their own, and the Senior class showed up and caused trouble. I donapos;t know how, exactly. ANYWAY, the Juniors thought it might be a good idea to extend the prank war by storming our party last night. With water balloons.

How old are we? Twelve?

Since they were throwing from the neighborapos;s backyard, and the door to the backyard is in my room, my room got a bit soaked. Nothing damaged, really, just sort of annoying. Unfortunately, other members of my class were not feeling quite so hunky-dory about the whole thing. One guy, Jack, actually jumped from my the cushions on my roof to the pavement and chased down one of the Junior girls as they were retreating. There was talk of revenge, people were extremely offended. My friend Madeline was utterly distraught, saying that she had hoped so much that this wouldnapos;t have happened, but that everything was ruined forever. Other people were also very pissed. Dudes. Itapos;s just water.

In the light of day, Iapos;m sure many people are less miffed, and I KNOW the Juniors are feeling a little embarrassed that we took it so hard, because as I came back from class today there was a cake with a bashful pumpkin on it and an apology note on my doorstep. Pictures to follow.

Okay, say it with me now: "Drama? In the theater department? Surely you jest"


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I had such a good time last night. Kris, Kelly and I all went to the Riverwalk and walked around while talking about our past. Then we headed over to LJapos;s to see the show. After the show, Kris and I drove to Nashville and had coffee at Cafe Coco. Then we went to a few Waffle Houses for my dad to collect money. The night ended with a movie and cuddling. It felt great. I just wish it would stay that way. Weapos;re focusing on being just friends right now and itapos;s really hard for me. I still have feelings for Kris and I canapos;t just hide them and act like a friend all the time. Iapos;m going to express myself. I have to. It would hurt to keep those feelings in. But heapos;s just wanting a friendship and thatapos;s what I have to give him. Which is okay. I can do that. Itapos;s just really hard. Sometimes I wish I could got back seven months and do it over again. And this time Iapos;d get it all right.
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